Saturday, 12 January 2013

one note

This seems very similar to google docs - with the exception of being able to access your documents on a computer that does not have one note installed on it. It also helps to ease the worries of loosing documents on USB's or hard drives (first hand experience of this). I need to explore both one note and google docs further and possibly do this with the students to see which one would be easier and more effective for them - and for the task/s selected. One Note also has a feature of collating work/documents similar to the social book marking site, pearltree... In all honesty the different sites and options have become a bit blury... and keeping up with all the usernames and passwords adds to some of the confusion! Still more exploring to do here I feel...

Google applications

I have always had a google account and have always made use of youtube in my classes. I find google-play is very similar to that of itunes - it is always difficult to get used to 'new' providers of services and products that you have already been using... I prefer Apple itunes for this type of thing. I do also agree with Paul regarding a tech overload... (his link included here) I enjoyed using google docs and see great potential for it in class, when collaborating on a common theme/project with students. I would most likely use google docs/spreadsheets when planning or preparing for larger events such as Rock Ed and/or dance shows, for items such as staff support, costumes, set, etc...

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Social Bookmarking

What a great tool... I have always used the favourites bookmark on my home laptop/s and now need to go through this and add it to my delicious account! I can see this also being a benefit with classes - they could access this as well and see where information can be found (to help with avoiding 'lost' bibliographies when searching online) and I hope that it will also encourage them to use their own words, due to the fact that the main websites and trustworthy ones are tagged in the delicious account (copyright).

Visual Presentation tools

The plan is to introduce the Issoudun students to Martha Graham - A woman of great influence in the contemporary dance world (in fact across the arts). This will also link well with the students' inquiry assignment. In my lessons I normally make use of powerpoints, dvds, youtube etc to support teaching and learning in the classroom and using Animoto is another extension of the visual learner and I find it also helps with student engagement. I only hope that the web browser works well with animoto - as I have had several problems with using it... lagged time and lost additions but achieved it all in the end (after 2 days of persistence!)

Visual Presentation Tools

Monday, 7 January 2013

My Poster:
When exploring and playing with image generators online I must say that I prefer - it was easy to sign up to using an email address - unlike Big Huge Lab - as a teacher I felt it was inappropriate to be signing in for educational purposes using a personal Facebook profile. However, it is interesting to see that large puzzles can be made, printed and ordered on the website (Big Huge Lab) and could be very interesting starters or plenaries for the classroom (it is also nice to know that resources can be tailor-made for subjects/topics like a puzzle or large classroom mat). A couple years back I watched a lesson on teacher TV - (I think it was an English class reading Shakespeare) where the mat in the room was a map of Europe and the students stood in the different countries where the characters in the book were from- an engaging and active learning classroom experience!

I found the Cartoon Generator very simple and limiting. I can see it being used as a quirky ice breaker and feel that it would be of a the benefit in subjects such as PD/Health (cartoon task), Drama (mime/commedia dell'arte unit) or even in English.
Image generator was also quite simple and basic - something to create a front cover or funny picture for entertainment value and not much else.

In BeFunky, I had more control over my creations, I also didn't have to order anything in particular/sign up with a Facebook account. It was also interesting to see that when changing/modifying/improving pictures/images - there is a beautify button as well as a wrinkle remover!!! Great to keep in mind :)